Promasidor Launches SunVita Choco Crunch

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Promasidor Nigeria Limited has launched SunVita Choco Crunch in the Nigerian market.

The new cereal product comes in a 40g sachet and a 500g block bottom pouch with re-sealable zip-lock which allows the product to be kept fresh even after opening.

The grand product launch which took place recently was also used to mark the World Cereal Day by the company.

Speaking during the historic product’s launch, the Managing Director of Promasidor Nigeria Limited, Mr. Anders Einarsson, emphasised some of the unique selling propositions of the new product.

Mr. Einarsson said, “SunVita Choco Crunch is a proudly Nigerian healthy family cereal made from locally sourced maize, soya and premium quality cocoa powder.

It contains a branded ingredient known as NUTRI-V, a blend of seven power packed micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals-Vitamin A, B6, B9, C, Zinc, Calcium, and Iron) necessary for healthy body and brain development.

We believe in growing the economy of Nigeria, as such we will continue to support every initiative of the Nigerian government regarding local content.”

On other products to be expected from the company this year, he hinted that: “We are in this business for a long haul and we surely know our onions.

Consumers should watch out for a big launch coming this year in the beverage segment. We believe this new beverage brand has all it takes to compete with the current competitions in the market and succeed.”

Promasidor Head of Marketing, Mr. Abiodun Ayodeji, said, “The reason for launching this unique product into the market is to continuously offer more options to the Nigerian consumers who desire a convenient, great tasting and healthy breakfast (and snack) cereal option both within and outside the home.”

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